Women in Law [Infographic]

Women in law have come a long way in creating an equal standard of living as men, but progress continues, and reform is still needed to narrow the gap. In a three-part series, @WashULaw is taking a closer look at how women in law have progressed over the last three years and where disparities still exist.  

In part one of this series, explore the history, career growth and wage gap of women in law.

women in law infographic

Read the text-only version of this infographic.

Even though President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in 1963 with the goal of evening out salaries between genders, there is still a 44 percent difference in pay between women and men at big U.S. law firms, according to The New York Times. With more than 68 percent of women making up the legal workforce, what can be done to narrow the gender pay gap? The National Women’s Law Center and The New York Times share some steps law firms can take to help women in law:   

  •      Strengthen and enforce equal pay laws
  •      Allow and encourage salary transparency
  •      Provide flexible work schedules and paid leave
  •      Make child care more affordable and available
  •      Prevent discrimination against women who have children 

Citation: Washington University School of Law’s Online Master of Legal Studies Program

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