
@WashULaw Blog

Women In Law

In the last several years alone, women in law have made progress in narrowing the disparities and gender pay gap, but there is still room for improvement and reform. Women have been in the field of law for more than a century. In 1869, Arabella Mansfield was the first female lawyer admitted to the bar. In 1870, Ada Kepley was the first female to graduate law school. In 1872, Charlotte E. Ray was the first African American female lawyer. In 1879, Belva A. Lockwood was the first female lawyer admitted to the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1963, Lorna Lockwood became […]

Women in Law [Infographic]

Women in law have come a long way in creating an equal standard of living as men, but progress continues, and reform is still needed to narrow the gap. In a three-part series, @WashULaw is taking a closer look at how women in law have progressed over the last three years and where disparities still exist.   In part one of this series, explore the history, career growth and wage gap of women in law. Read the text-only version of this infographic. Even though President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in 1963 with the goal of evening […]

The Next Frontier in the Criminal Justice Conversation

Over the past several years, high-profile news coverage from places like Ferguson and Baltimore have jump-started a national conversation about the state of the U.S. criminal justice system. The events that took place in these cities, and the fervent public response to them, have served to magnify deep flaws in the criminal justice system.In fact, research from Washington University in St. Louis School of Law Professor Peter Joy suggests that it “is stacked against you if you are a person of color or are poor, and is doubly unjust if you are both a person of color and poor.” As […]

Master of Legal Studies versus Master of Laws

With a number of legal degrees available, it can sometimes be confusing to prospective students as they try to understand the purpose and structure of each one. In this post, …

scientists working at the laboratory.