Cross Cultural Dispute Resolution
Washington University School of Law | 3 credits
When addressing cross-cultural conflict, effective dispute resolution methods include additional elements than those used in intra-culture adjudicatory and consensual processes. Through a harmonic integration of legal, sociological, psychological, and neurological concepts and findings, this course is designed to equip students with valuable tools that will allow them to choose suitable pre-dispute methods for solving eventual future cross-cultural controversies as well as to effectively approach conflict situations involving individuals from diverse cultures and backgrounds (including scenarios of gender, religion, and race diversity). Key issues discussed within the course will increase the Cultural Intelligence (CQ) empathizing power of professionals that will be involved in diverse conflict resolution, whether as parties, advisors, counselors, adjudicators or facilitators.
The course combines preparation of assigned readings as well as free research on punctual issues related to cross-cultural dispute resolution. Skill-enhancing practical exercises will allow participants to test and apply knowledge acquired in class sessions.